Apples & Pears
Apples and Pears supplies may be limited with road closures in Oregon due to the Atmospheric River weather delays. Thus, causing an extra day or two for transit time. Lady apples have finished the season. The pear market continues to be firm, Washington has yielded a shorter crop season this year. Bartlett pears remain limited, and demand exceeds supplies; therefore, we are substituting d’ Anjou pears for Bartlett’s.
Conventional Blackberries: Blackberries are crossing from Central Mexico, quality is improving. California berries show decent quality as the season nears, but there are reports of some issues of red cell regression and on the calyx. Expect blackberry volume to be minimal from central California. Conventional Strawberries: Chilly weather and the atmospheric river rain has limited production in California. Strawberries are already nearing the end of season in central California, but the weather is also hindering production. California quality is good for the most part, some defects, such as green shoulders and lighter color have been reported. Mexico is increasing strawberry production and should improve into December. Mexico’s strawberry quality is high with some minor green tips. Conventional Raspberries: Raspberry volume is limited out of California. California raspberry quality is mediocre. Elevated Raspberry pricing exists from Central Mexico as production steadily increases. There are some quality issues being reported on Mexico’s raspberries, but overall color and firmness is good. Conventional Blueberries: Peruvian and Central Mexico are key suppliers; availability & quality is good.
Imported Honey Tangerine, domestic Clementines, and Satsumas are available. Prices of domestic products should be steady and strong with the expected rain.
Dry Vegetable
Asparagus supplies are low due to seasonal issues, cooler weather, and holiday demand. Brussels Sprouts are active – holiday pull is a major factor in shorter supplies and higher costs. Brussel Sprouts stalks are available. Artichokes continue to be extremely short, supplies unable to meet demand. Bell pepper volume is still low on all colors. The green bell peppers are also tight, quality is fair-to-poor. Green beans product volume is steady, but the market is getting light with the holiday demand and shorter supplies on the east coast. Snow pea supplies are tight, prices are elevated. Corn volume is still steady with excellent quality, but cooler weather and transitions could create some supply issues. Chile production in California no longer has superior quality, and with the rain, product is running out. Sonora has started chiles production, the quality and prices are good. Sinaloa will be starting in two weeks. Broccoli has strong prices & demand, and limited availability of supplies are expected to remain throughout the month; California’s broccoli quality is good. Cauliflower due to cooler weather, and central California winding down, supplies are tight, prices are still strong, quality is good as we move through transition. Cabbage: red and Napa continue to experience lower volumes, prices are up, and the transition has started with some growers.
Root Vegetable
Washington’s wintry weather is affecting colored potatoes, thus limiting availability, especially on the larger sizes. All other potatoes are steady as we head into the holiday season. Onions are getting active due to the holiday pull. Rutabaga & parsnips supplies are still good. Leek supplies remain limited with rising demand. Jumbo carrots remain on the lighter side, all other sizes remain steady. Garlic quality and demand continue to be good. Ginger demand remains steady. supplies are good.
Specialties & Organics
The weather in the Pacific Northwest has caused more supply issues with mushrooms, toppled with the holiday pull and already lighter supply volume this year. Cranberries are short due to unsellable quality issues and rejections at the time of receiving. Current Ad orders will have cranberries covered. Herb supplies are available for the holiday. Sugar cane is available.
Grapes & Melons
Tecojotes are available. Cherry prices remain steady with good supplies. Rainier Cherries from Chile, JJ size 11 Ibs. will start soon. Ultimate label Pomegranate price of 22ct and larger expected to go up because of a shortage. We will start Green Grapes from Peru. Domestic green grape quality is ok. California red, black, and globe grapes are still available. Don’t forget we have cotton candy grapes too from Brazil. Cantaloupe prices are strong and wanting to go up because of a decline in supplies. Honeydew prices are steady and strong because of a drop in availability. Watermelon seedless prices are up because of growing area transition. Mini watermelon prices are up, and supplies are short.
Tomatoes continue to be short, the act of God is trending due to the east coast weather and the west’s inability to compensate for the extra demand. The tomatoes being affected are Round, Roma, Grape, and Cherry tomatoes.
Avocado prices are stable and strong on the 60 sizes and larger, prices might go up a little. Mangoes: all sizes are available with low demand: prices are stable. Cactus pears are short due to quality issues. White Dragon Fruit is available. Bananas continue to be tight, but now with tropical storm Sarah, and cooler weather, market shortages have increased. With that said, some bananas are greener than usual, please consider leaving the bananas in their plastic bag for a couple of days to accelerate ripening.
Wet Vegetable
Romaine lettuce and Romaine hearts have limited supplies as we head into this transition period to the desert from central California. The quality varies, and the demand is strong with the holiday quickly approaching. Iceberg lettuce demand remains good, supplies are still tight with the transition from central California to the desert regions. Quality is okay but some minor issues may be present due to recent weather, and lighter weights in Yuma’s new crop production. Green Leaf and Red Leaf production is steady, prices are firm, the demand is mild, and supplies are light with the transition and holiday demand Celery’s holiday pull is driving prices higher, availability in central California is good. The celery quality is mediocre. Spinach supplies remain tight due to transition, quality has been fair-to-good with signs of weather and insect damage reported. Bok Choy supplies remain limited quality is good. The transition is still causing low volume on Chard, cilantro, parsley: curly & Italian. Green onions are steady, and the quality and sizing should improve soon; green onion prices are steady. The demand for green onions may get strong as the holiday nears. Kale supplies and quality are strong.